Together, we can make a difference. Together, we are stronger.

Shared Voices

"Shared Voices," a campaign dedicated to fostering unity and understanding through open dialogue.

At the heart of "Shared Voices" is the belief that our paths can meet in harmony, and that together, we can stand strong against divisiveness. This campaign is a celebration of religious freedom and expression, embracing the diverse tapestry of beliefs that make up our global community.

Exploring Interfaith Dialogue and Media Ethics with Tamás JAMRISKÓ

Welcome to the "Get the Trolls Out!" podcast series, part of our Interfaith Dialogue campaign, Shared Voices. In this episode, Hana, the Project Manager of GTTO, and Rini, our social media campaigner, sit down with Tamas from the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) in Hungary. Tamas has a degree in sociology and media studies, is the director of CIJ, a university lecturer and runs a small community radio station and podcast workshop working with young people. CIJ is one of the six partner organizations within the GTTO project, dedicated to promoting ethical journalism and supporting the free flow of information.

The Power of Community Alliances with Frankie Webster

In this episode, we are joined by Frankie Webster, a dedicated Community organiser for Citizens UK, the UK's largest and most diverse people-powered alliance. Frankie has worked for Citizens UK across east London from Dagenham to the City of London, working with citizens alliances to build campaigns and tackle issues connected to youth safety, The Real Living Wage, building affordable housing, and beyond. She also holds a background in parliamentary research and casework, having worked in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Frankie holds a Masters in International Social and Public Policy from the London School of Economics. Frankie shares her journey and insights into community organising in London, highlighting the importance of interfaith dialogue and collaboration. Tune in to hear about the challenges and successes of fostering inclusivity in a diverse community.

Dive into authentic stories that amplify the voices of those striving against divisiveness.