7SUR7 have regularly posted problematic antisemitic content on their sites.
Our Belgium partner ENORB contacted 7sur7 to complain about an article which depicted a policewoman displaying a Nazi salute whilst on duty.
The formal complaint noted:
“We deplore the journalists effort to delegitimise the fear in the face of a Nazi salute from a policewoman whilst performing her duties. Following the video of a death in a police cell in 2018, and in the context of demonstration against police violence in many countries since June 2020, it is shocking to see a mainstream newspaper downplaying the seriousness of a Nazi salute by a state official. The articles gives voice only to the police union, who talk only about context (which is never expanded upon), which would supposedly excuse this act. No context as fallacious as that of a man who would treat the Gestapo police officers, an argument which is not fact-checked by the journalist, should justify such an uninhibited anti-Semitic demonstration.
It would have been important to give a voice to other stakeholders in addition to the union, whose sole purpose is to protect those it represents. It is therefore a pity and insulting that journalists should engage in this kind of exercise.”
7sur7 responded to the complaint, stating that the article in question was part of an large amount of coverage around the case on their platform. They continued that in other pieces on their website, they have given voice to other sources on the matter.